Monday, October 8, 2007


Themes/sections---- Note: This is a tentative and incomplete list.

Celebrity Letters

Games and Sports

Obscure Anatomy

Reviews + Interviews

Small Food


Obsolete Domesticated Animals

Minimalist Clothing (In honor of the magazine that never was)

Slang/Colloquial Language

Financial Advice (how not to work)

Crossword Puzzles


Robotics and Post-Humanism

Unusual Transportation

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Introduction to Obscure Anatomy

Welcome to Obscure Anatomy. We're like a part of your body you didn't know existed.

We are currently publishing on blogspot because we don't know enough about the internet to make our own proper domain. We plan to eventually move our endeavor to a proper .com location and use this blogspot as a satelite annex, but for now all of our content will exist here.
Obscure Anatomy is a typically ambitious web-based magazine. We will broadly cover 'Arts and Culture' and also hopefully compile certain running themes. For example, a theme might be obscure anatomy or biographies of artists in the French resistance, or fast food. These themes will be archived on the site to be kind of like constantly expanding e-books. We will also feature reviews, interviews, and other standard issue magazine features.

We are laying ourselves bare from the start. We would like to be kind of like Cabinet, but with hypertext.

That said, please have patience as we begin to add material to our site. We will be announcing themes shortly. If you would like to be involved in this project as a writer, artist, or graphic designer, please contact us. If you would like us to review your work, also please contact us.

Thank you,
Ben Segal, editor